Regional Emergency Information

For the latest news and updates on local emergencies and preparedness.

Fire Alarm Safety Checks

This service is carried out free of charge to anyone that lives at Big White. 

Product Safety Information

Be sure to stay up to date on the latest product safety information and/or recalls.

In case of emergencies, please call 911

A Work Experience
Program For You

Being a firefighter is a challenging and rewarding career for both men and women. A firefighter today must be skilled, competent, professional and able to deal with any kind of emergency. Being a WEP firefighter you will have the opportunity to continually maintain and upgrade your skills through specialized training and emergency situations.

Big White FIre

Department News

We commit ourselves to preserving life and property by providing; Fire Prevention, Emergency Planning, Public Education, and Responding to Emergencies within our Community. We dedicate ourselves to the safety, security, and well-being of our members.

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We are a composite fire department with approximately 40 dedicated paid-on-call firefighters. We provide protection to the village of Big White and the Big White Ski Resort, which has a capacity of 25,000 people and accommodations for 20,000 people.

Contact Big White Fire

7555 Porcupine Road, Big White, BC
PO Box 45004 Stn Rutland, Kelowna, BC V1P 1P3

We are a 911 Community | © 2023 Big White Fire Department